

First download this zip, or clone from github:

cd c:\
git clone https://github.com/chrisGoad/prototypejungle.git

You can place the PrototypeJungle directory anywhere you like. Install node, if it is not already present on your machine. In a shell, rev up the local server:

cd <prototypejungle>
node server/server.js

Then you can run an image generator by, for example, directing your browser to


Then, clicking on the "Save Image", or "Save Image (High Res)" will result in the image chaos_within_order.jpg being saved in the <prototypejungle>/images or <prototypejungle>/images_hi_res directories, respectively

http://localhost:8081/index.html gets you to this documentation served from the local server you just started. Then http://localhost:8081/images.html yields a page from which you can access all of the image generators that come with this installation. You can modify the generators, or write new ones, by editing or creating files in the directory <prototypejungle>/generators/. To rebuild them, click on the names of the images. Local images retrieves its images, if any, from the local images directory, whereas images retreives them from the web.